human heart


The persimmon

The strawberry



水果中确实含有碳水化合物,还有一些维生素,但仅靠这些是不够的。人体的正常运转还需要蛋白质等其他物质,平时多吃水果对保持无机盐确有益处,但水果中缺乏铁、钙等成分。长期以水果作正餐势必会造成体内这些物质的缺乏,引起贫血,时间久了可能还会引起其他的疾病。营养学家告诫爱美的女士,想靠吃水果餐达到减肥的目的是不科学的,主要应该通过限制饮食中的脂肪类、肉类的摄入来达到,与此同时应多吃些谷类、牛奶、鱼类。摘自2001-05-10《 扬子晚报》  



Frequently the gastric juice, not suitably eats the plum, the Chinese? hawthorn, the lemon and so on contains organic acid more fruits.?? Frequently bowel movement dry, may eat the peaches, the banana, the? orange and so on, because these fruits have slow under affect.? The? persimmon contains massively , ate many may aggravate the? constipation.? Frequently diarrhea, do not have to eat fruit much? which above mentions has slow under affects.? But suitably eats the? apples, because the apple has restrains with ?the function.???? The heart disease and the dropsy, not suitably eats fruit and so on? water content more watermelons, coconut tree, in order to avoid? increases the heart the burden aggravates the dropsy.? The trouble has the diabetes, not only must little eat sugar, simultaneously also must little eat fruit and so on sugar content more pears, apple, banana.?? The hepatitis patient eats the oranges and the fresh jujube and so on? contains vitamin C more fruits, is advantageous to the hepatitis? treatment and the restoration.? Do not have to eat fruit in before? meals, in order to avoid affects normally eats food and the digestion. Picks from 2001-04-26 " the Harbin Daily "

The nutriology expert reminds the people, wants to depend on eats the? fruit meal achieves reduce fat the goal is unscientific.? Because the? fruit cannot meet the human body essential nutrition need, for a long? time by the fruit works as lunch, is easy to cause the anemia even? other diseases.? In the fruit truly includes the carbohydrate, but? also has some vitamins, but only depends on these is insufficient.?? The human body normal revolution also needs the protein and so on? other matter, usually eats the fruit to maintains the inorganic salt? really has the profit, but in the fruit lacks the iron, the calcium? equicomponent.? For a long time will do by the fruit lunch inevitably can create in vivo these matter lack, caused the anemia, the time is? long possibly also can cause other diseases.? The nutriology warns love pretty woman, wants to depend on eats the fruit meal achieves deduce fat? the goal is unscientific, mainly should through the limit diet in fat? class, the meats take in achieves, at the same time should eat the? cereals, the milk, the fish.? Picks from 2001-05-10 " the Yangzi? evening post "


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